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Whither Bound?

Whither Bound 2529
SKU: 2529

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Away out in the old Somme region, one morning, we were holding the trench and came in for the usual shelling. Presently there was a black cloud as a shell burst and pieces of shrapnel came whizzing past us, and poor Bert S--- fell like a log. Tiny Jim (6 ft. 3 in.) and another chap jumped down and picked him up, but they saw at a glance that it was a hopeless case. There was not a dressing station near so some fellows got some empty sandbags and an old coat, and laid Bert on them in the bottom of the trench to die.
Before long Tiny was startled by a voice behind him, "Can you tell me the way to heaven?" Tiny jumped down again beside Bert and said, "The way to heaven? Sorry, chum, I don't know. I'll ask the other fellows."
He returned to the firing step and walked along to the next man and asked him, but he did not know. So it went on, along Traverse Trench from man to man. "Bert --- is dying. He wants to know the way to heaven. Can you tell him?" The question had got right along the trench to No. 16, but out of those sixteen not one knew the way to heaven! Just think of it. Sixteen young fellows brought up in a so-called Christian land, but they could not help a dying comrade! When you see an old friend dying and you cannot help him it goes hard. What you think and guess just won't do. Oh! no, he wants the real thing. How many there are like those sixteen! How about it? Could you turn me to the Old Book and give me chapter and verse for God's Way to heaven?
So No. 16 jumped off the firing step and went rushing on to the next post, where, all alone, stood another on the alert. He felt a thump on his back and heard a voice shouting, "There's a chap in our company who has been hit; he is dying and he wants to know the way to heaven. Can you tell him?"

The blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1,7.

In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. Eph. 1,7.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4,12.

64 pages – Pamphlet – Author: Various Authors

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