God's good News

God s good News APG 3672
SKU: 3672

Author: Gibbs, A. P.

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This booklet has been prepared especially you, with the earnest hope and prayer that you will give it your undivided attention and serious consideration. In this pleasure-loving age, characterized by indifference, irresponsibility and shallow thinking, eternal realities are apt to be crowded into the background, or even deliberately rejected by the majority of people. Many seem to imagine that this present life is of far more importance than the future, and thus the temporal has been allowed to obscure the eternal.

I trust, however, that this is not true of you, but that, deep down in your heart, you have given serious thought to the fact of God and of your personal responsibility to Him as your Creator. Perhaps you have already begun to realize that you are a creature, not only of time, but of eternity; and there has been stirred within you a desire to know this God with Whom you must one day have to do. It is to such that this booklet will come as a challenge. May it be yours to meet this challenge by facing the facts contained herein, and come to a right decision regarding this great matter of God's salvation!

There are five chapters, so arranged as to present the gospel in its logical sequence. It is urged that you read each chapter carefully, with a copy of the Bible open before you. Turn to each Scripture reference given and read it for yourself, so that you may know what the word of God actually says. In these references, the book in the Bible is first given, then the chapter in that book, and finally the verse or verses in that chapter. For example, "John 3:16-18” means, the gospel according to John, chapter three, verses 16 to 18.

Don't rush through this booklet, for the subject is of tremendous and vital importance. Grasp thoroughly the subject of chapter one before proceeding to chapter two; and so on, right through to the end.

Should the reading of this booklet lead you to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior and the enjoyment of God's salvation, I shall be pleased to hear from you in care of the publisher.
A. P. G., Chicago, Illinois, 1940.

47 pages – Pamphlet – Author: A. P. Gibbs