Bible Word Searches for the Young at Heart - Where Jesus Walked: The Gospels

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SKU: 4285

Sales price $6.45
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The first book in the new Young at Heart series presents the Lord Himself when He was here on earth: Where Jesus Walked: The Gospels.

  • Fun for kids
  • Helpful for parents
  • Good supplement for your study of the Gospels

The book lays flat! Work the Word Searches on airplanes, at the beach, riding in the car, sitting in your favorite easy chair. You won't lose your pencils either. Just slide them down the spine.

Walking with Jesus presents the Lord Himself while He was here on earth:

  • Jesus is God: The Lord Himself
  • Earthly Beginnings: His birth, youth, early ministry
  • Traveling with Jesus: His friends, enemies, teachings, travels
  • What Happened Here? questions answered, sharing His life
  • Our Walk, Work, and Worship: our purpose; His plan for us
  • Figures, Types and Prophecies: Old & New Testament pictures


The purpose of Where Jesus Walked is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. Word Searches aid young and older ones to learn and recall Scriptures, to stimulate thoughts - and hearts - about Bible truths and even trigger a recall of verses already learned. Feedback from seniors who have worked our other Word Search books indicates they enjoy profitable Bible material that stimulates their often sedentary lives.

180 pages - Spiralbound - Author: Richard & Ruth Spiering