An Outline of Prophecy 2nd edition

outline of prophecy
SKU: 9587N

Author: Daniel, R. P.

Sales price $6.95
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Prophecy tells us of the wonderful future for us who are saved and the sad future of the unsaved, ending for them at the terrible Great White Throne judgment when they are cast into hell. Prophecy shows that God is fully in charge of what looks like utter world-wide religious and political confusion. Beginning with the imminent coming of the Lord for believers to take them to heaven, till the end of time and beginning of eternity, this upgraded little book leads us through the future in a logical manner that makes it easy to understand. Prominent words we should know, as well as the important personages of the future, are given in bold print and then explained. Two charts are used to aid in the understanding of these future events.

60 Pages – Softcover - Author: R. P. Daniel