A Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names

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There are about 3500 words in the Bible that most of us can’t understand because their meaning is not translated into English. These are biblical names. Yet 2 Timothy 3:16 says that “all Scripture” or “every Scripture” is given by inspiration and is profitable. Therefore, we can gain profitable spiritual truth and instruction from these names, although the reason for some names is not immediately obvious. Some are much clearer, such as Timothy, meaning “honoring God.” He certainly honored God from his youth, up.

This scholarly dictionary by James Beaumont Jackson was first published in 1909 after eleven years of hard work. Although there had been dictionaries before this, J.B. Jackson found that, although the scholarship was generally sound, these authors allowed their imagination to control the meaning more than what they knew the base words meant. This is detailed in the Introduction.

We believe this is the most accurate dictionary available and commend this easier to read 2012 edition to every person who seriously studies Scripture.

140 Pages – Softcover– Author: J. B. Jackson