2 Chronicles

2chronicles lmg
SKU: 15015

Author: Grant, L. M.

Sales price $9.95
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In 2 Chronicles the gracious summing up of God's ways in connection with the kingdom is seen here beautifully typifying the reign of the Lord Jesus in the peace of His millennial glory. Nothing is therefore said of his deviation from the path of obedience of God; his marrying many foreign wives and being influenced by them.

The dividing of the kingdom in the days of Rehoboam is taken note of, for grace does not set aside God's government. Rehoboam is forbidden to attempt to bring the ten tribes back by force for the judgment was of the Lord. The ten tribes set up a new center at Samaria, however they are only referred to in this book in connection with the history of Judah; for God's grace must be shown in connection with His chosen line, that is, the line of the true Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.