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Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther

SKU: 8668

Sales price $16.95
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Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther conclude the historical books of the Old Testament. In Kings and Chronicles, first the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel and afterwards Judah are conquered and led into captivity.

Ezra and Nehemiah set before us the restoration of a remnant of Judah to the land God had long before given their fathers, a land filled with enemies who try to keep them from reestablishing the worship of the true God and the civic order and separation from the world that must accompany this.

Esther gives us a vital episode in the lives of those Jews who did not return to Judea but chose to remain in the land of captivity. While in Ezra and Nehemiah first the temple and then the city with its wall come before us and the law of God is of vital importance, in Esther neither God, the Scriptures, nor prayer are even mentioned. Nevertheless, God is the God of grace and He is there. He may not reveal Himself openly, yet He is faithful to His people, jealously watching over them, and causing all things to work together for their ultimate good.

236 pages - Hardcover - Author H. L. Rossier

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